Livingston Grammar School is an accredited four-year grammar school that strictly follows the RVP and provides a broad and balanced education that opens up all options for students to further their studies in the future. All students have the opportunity to study and obtain a baccalaureate in the Czech language. We emphasize quality teaching of the Czech language and literature along with Czech history and culture; we want our students to be proud of the Czech Republic and strive to contribute to its future.
We recognise the importance of developing a lingua franca and strive to develop students’ English through the CLIL method, taught by teachers who are both experts in their academic subjects and language teachers.

Gymnázium Livingston je akreditovanou mezinárodní školou Cambridge, která je oprávněna nabízet cambridgeské zkoušky IGCSE a A-Level.
Mezinárodní učební plán Cambridge používá více než 10 000 škol ve více než 160 zemích, stanovuje celosvětový standard vzdělávání a je uznáván univerzitami a zaměstnavateli po celém světě. Vzhledem k flexibilní povaze učebních osnov doplňuje český Rámcový vzdělávací plán a umožňuje studentům získat solidní základy znalostí a dovednosti pro budoucnost.
Na konci 2. ročníku budou žáci skládat zkoušky z:
– angličtiny jako druhého jazyka
– matematiky
– přírodních věd (biologie, chemie a fyzika)
– informatiky
– španělštiny
a získají z nich mezinárodně uznávanou kvalifikace.
Známka “5” nebo vyšší z angličtiny může být použita místo zkoušky IELTS pro budoucí přihlášky na zahraniční univerzity.
International Baccalaureate Candidate School
Livingston Grammar School is a candidate school* for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. We are seeking authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools are schools that share a common philosophy – a commitment to high quality, international education that challenges students. At Livingston Grammar School, we believe that this is the kind of education that is important for our students.
At the heart of the IB Diploma Programme is the IB Learner Profile, which we have incorporated into our student profile. The student profile describes a wide range of human abilities and responsibilities that go beyond academic endeavors. It brings upon us a commitment to help all members of our school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them.
The IB Diploma Programme complements the Czech Framework Curriculum and is a programme prepared for the future. It builds students’ inquiring minds, fosters their desire to learn and prepares them to excel in their careers and lead meaningful lives.
To obtain the full diploma, students study courses from 6 academic disciplines.
Group 1 – Study of Language and Literature Czech
Group 2 – Language Acquisition
Group 3 – Man and Society
Group 4 – Natural Sciences
Group 5 – Mathematics
Group 6 – Arts
In addition to the subject groups, students learn the basics of IB, which consists of the following subjects:
Theory of Knowledge – In this course, students reflect on the nature of knowledge and how we know what we claim to know.
Creativity, Activity, Service – in which students perform and engage in activities related to each of the three strands.
The Extended Essay, – which is a self-contained, self-directed research paper that culminates in a 4,000-word paper.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2018

*Only schools with IB approval can offer one of the four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status does not guarantee authorisation. For more information about the IB and its programmes, please visit

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- datová schránka: 43digvv
- pIZO: 181141965
- pREDIZO: 691007039

- 777 806 797
- datová schránka: 43digvv
- pIZO: 181141965
- pREDIZO: 691007039

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