
Our team

Martin Holub

School Director

Martin always wanted to be a writer, he loves storytelling in all its forms – spanning from classic literature or films all the way to video games. But most of all, he is enjoys comics, and he spends most of his free time in the world of colourful pages and larger-than-life heroes. He also enjoys linguistics, puns, long conversations over a cup of tea and board games. If he’s not in hiding, you’ll find him at the park with his family or carefully making sure his son isn’t bending the pages while reading his dad’s comic books. But you definitely won’t find him in a bad mood!

Justin Kilcullen-Nichols

Deputy Director for the Gymnasium

Originally from the UK, Justin spent over 15 years abroad as a science teacher and later as a head teacher. He enjoys continuously expanding his interests – which already include archery, racing and playing board games. After experiening Qatar, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria and the United Arab Emirates, he fell in love with the Czech Republic, where he decided to settle with his two cats – Meep and Squishy.

Eliška Rylich Luhanová

IB coordinator, Czech Language Teacher

Eliška comes from Prague and graduated in Czech Language and Italian Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. She has extensive experience in teaching at university, running language courses and interpreting. Her studies and job opportunities had brought her to Italy, where she lived for a long time. She always likes to return to Italy, but her heart is in the Czech Republic.
She is fascinated by languages and communication, enjoys yoga, loves dancing and travelling with her family.

Albert Radvan

Teacher of Computer Science

Albert strives to ensure that secondary schools do not stand on the sidelines when introducing technology and new working practices. In addition to teaching computer science and studying various languages, he loves to spend time outdoors and conquer distances on his own. That is why you can see him on a bike, with a backpack in the mountains, tied to a rock, floating in the river or even on a horse. If you share a similar passion, let him know. Maybe this will turn into a relaxing trip.

Daniel Brodníček

Teacher of Mathematics and Geography

Dan is a geographer and enjoys everything that goes with it. He enjoys exploring the world around us, foreign cultures and enjoying nature. This inspires him and helps him to develop as a person. In his free time he likes to read travel books, which encourage him to further explore the world. He enjoys quiet places like forests where he likes to relax.

Liliana Bernal

Spanish and Music Teacher.

Lily is a native Cuban and grew up near Havana. She studied music conservatory and pedagogy and worked as a primary school teacher for nine years. Her biggest hobby is singing and dancing. She has been singing professionally for a long time and sings actively in Prague. She likes to cook traditional Cuban food. Spending winter in Czech Republic is a bit difficult for her, but she is getting used to it. She loves snow, Czech gastronomy and Czech beer. At Livingston she is looking forward to working with Czech children.

Eva Pravdová

School Operations Manager

Eva is a tireless organizer and a never-ending source of inspiration. Interested in the world around her, she enjoys reading personal development literature and biographical books. You will most often see her at school, at a concert, on the golf course or with her family on the road. Her dream is to visit Iceland one day. You definitely won’t find her in the circus, dacing at a ball or cycling.

Raquel Goldstein


Raquel grew up and lives in Prague, but her father comes from the USA and her mother from Slovakia. She studied at the eight-year Montessori gymnasium in Prague and then entered the Pedf UK, where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology with an extension to special education. She is currently in the final year of her Master’s degree in Psychology. In her spare time, Raquel enjoys attending seminars and trainings in the areas of psychology, child rearing and self-development.

Gavin Hopwood

Physics, Mathematics and Physical Education

Gavin is from Manchester in the North of England where he also studied engineering at Manchester University. After gaining his U.K teaching qualifications and gaining experience within the English school system, at a young age, he became an International teacher. Combining his love for travel and immersing himself into new cultures, it is both the people and places that he has encountered that have enriched him as a person and as an educator. Gavin considers himself to be a bit of an athlete and is happy to engage in all sports. He also loves the outdoors and will always prefer moving using his own steam rather than depending on motorized transport. Gavin is joining us from Morocco, moving to Prague with his wife and young son, Sebastian.

Michal Fabian

biology and chemistry

Michal, driven by a deep interest in chemistry, has invested considerable effort in pursuing his passion. He immerses himself in reading, diligent study, and hands-on laboratory experiments. However, to maintain a well-rounded life, he also enjoys spending time outdoors, breathing in fresh air, and participating in sports. Michal frequently engages in badminton and disc golf, and his skiing proficiency allows him to teach others. Additionally, Michal indulges in playing the guitar, mastering a few tunes.

In recent years, Michal has honed his 3D modeling skills. His creations—useful objects for teaching sciences through 3D printing—have garnered significant appreciation.

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